A New Beginning

It’s said that starting off a piece of writing is one of the hardest things to do, and it’s no less difficult when it comes to a new blog. The fact that this is a *new* blog might warrant some explanation. I’m not entirely unfamiliar with blogging, as I previously kept one on Blogger – that blog, though, was created for a graduate course, and dedicated solely to the topic of cultural heritage. That class is now long over, although my interest in issues of cultural heritage still lives – so I’ll be importing those posts here and probably writing about cultural heritage from time to time.

Still, there are two main reasons for this new blog. One: As a close friend told me not too long ago, writing is like any other skill – be away from it for an extended period of time, and it gets rusty. That’s exactly what I don’t want to happen, and now being done school means that there are also no assignments and essays to write, so I’m using this medium to try and keep my chops sharp and my mind thinking. Two: That blog I kept for a class, while really fun to write for, was limited in terms of what I could talk about. But with this new blog, I feel like I can make a fresh start, where I can write about any number of things that I like, when I like. Basically, just being flexible and free, and where I can try my hand at talking about things that matter to me. I can’t guarantee that I’ll always have the most interesting posts, but I hope that they’ll be found interesting at least by some.

The first few posts here will be imported directly from my old blog on cultural heritage, but new content will follow – and so with that, enjoy!

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